
Upcoming events:

  • Inyan Mani Gathering June 26th to 29th 2023

    Calling Stone Walkers across Europe who miss their tribe!
    Spend four days deepening your connection to the Medicine and the Red Road, while we strengthen our tribal bonds. Together we become ceremony.
    Refresh your knowledge about the altar, the four directions, prayer ties and guardians. Participate in drum journeys and gain clear visions and indsigts into your own path. Reconnect with Mother Earth, the Medicine and the teachings from Jenny Ray.
    You are also invited to an “Udesidning”, the old Nordic traditional vision quest. Spend the night alone in the woods as you connect and seek answers. Ceremonial space will be held. You are never truly alone.
    Finally you will bring home your own Medicine Bag and have the tools to continue and deepen your own spiritual practice upon the Red Road.
    This gathering is only open to Stone Walkers, those who have received teachings from Stone Medicine – either from myself or from Jenny Ray directly.
    The price is €250 (1850 dkk) per person.
    This covers food and lodging, as well as materials.
    Max 6 participants.
    Contact me for further information
